New Community Granting Fund

September 6th, 2024|News and Events|

PDCF relies on the generosity of our donors to make grants available to local community organizations every year. The number of organizations requesting grants has grown and their needs are increasing, so PDCF has established a Community Granting Fund which will increase our capacity to augment the number and amounts of Community Grants we give each year.

In a recent article in the Humm, executive director Victoria Gibb-Carsley is quoted as saying “local organizations […] are feeling the pinch of cuts to traditionally stable funding sources. That, combined with increasing needs in the community, is resulting in a greater volume of grant applications to PDCF each year.”

“We are hoping that community members will donate to the new [Community Granting] fund so we can grant out even more in 2025 than we did this year.”

In order to get the word out, PDCF has new signage at the Perth & District Indoor Pool and the Perth arena, and you’ll soon find pamphlets and stickers in local shops and venues.

In 2024, 24 local organizations received $174,619 in grants from the Perth and District Community Foundation (PDCF). Recipients included Big Brothers, Big Sisters Lanark County, the PEP Seniors Therapeutic Centre, and the Lanark Highlands Public Library. A full list of 2024 Community Grant recipients can be found here and in our annual report. You can also read highlights of many of these organizations on our Community Builders page.

Applications for 2025 Community Grants will open September 15, 2024. Please visit our Grants page for more details.