Cultivating an enduring legacy that will grow over time and will continue to strengthen the quality of life in our community

We are a charitable public foundation dedicated to strengthening the quality of life in Perth, Drummond/North Elmsley, Lanark Highlands, and Tay Valley so that everyone belongs and thrives, today and into the future.

We address community needs and opportunities through grants to registered charities.

  • From 2003-2023, we gave over $2 million in grants benefitting children, youth, seniors, and families.
  • In 2023, PDCF grants to local charities totaled $334,000

We connect the generosity of donors with the energy and ideas of people and community organizations to support local projects that have a meaningful and lasting impact.

We acknowledge that Lanark County is situated on the ancestral and unceded traditional land of the Omàmìwininì, also known as the Algonquin Anishinaabe Nation. With this acknowledgment comes respect for the land and the people who have been living here since time immemorial. As part of this land acknowledgment, we recognize the injustices of the past and those that continue today. We recognize our responsibility to contribute to reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of the land we call Canada.

To this end, we are learning about the impact of colonization on the Indigenous peoples of Canada, we have established an annual Indigenous Youth Award, through our partnership with Indspire, a national Indigenous charity, and we will communicate the results of our actions to the community.


Read more news stories here.

  • 2023-2024 Annual Report

    The 2023-2024 annual report includes highlights of Foundation activities, as well as a complete list of 2023-24 Community Grant recipients.

  • 2024-2025 Community Grant Recipients

    A bumper crop of Community Grants were awarded in January - 29 grants valued over $300,000!

  • Victoria Gibb-Carsley on YourTV

    Watch the recent interview with Kathy Botham. Victoria talks about PDCF's upcoming fundraiser dance and raffle.